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  • Learn TorahProbe into the depths of the living Torah, with a special focus into the mysteries of life, reality, and spirituality. Every class offers meaningful and timely lessons - from the most timeless of texts.
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  • Synagogue ServicesComradery, songs, spiritual ambiance and connection with Hashem (G‑d) - this is what you feel when attending Shabbat services at Chabad. Here is where tradition meets transcendence. It is a mix between Ritual and Spirit, making it a truly divine experience. Join us!
  • Hebrew SchoolChabad Hebrew School offers a friendly and stimulating environment, where children can embrace their Jewish roots and gain a true sense of Jewish pride. Read More
Chabad of Humboldt is dedicated to providing every Jew regardless of philosophy, affiliation, level of awareness or commitment, an open door environment for strengthening and enhancing Jewish life. Chabad serves individuals and families looking for a non-judgmental, accepting and personalized Jewish experience.

Chabad of Humboldt is enthusiastic about offering meaningful Jewish experience, education and renewal opportunities for all Jewish men, women and children.

Chabad of Humboldt offers Judaism with a smile, and a home away from home for everyone who walks through its doors.
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Shabbat & Holidays
Candle Lighting Times
Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Oct. 2 - Oct. 4
Daily Thought
There are times when the entire world denies the truth you know within. There are times you must be a lion. Times to be an eagle. But now you must be a rock. Now you must not flinch, not in any way even acknowledge the existence of the mighty waves that come crashing down upon you, conspiring to grind you to sand, to sweep you away to join them in the vast ocean. You must be the hard, unmoving rock that lies at the essence of your soul, the voice from beyond all this ephemeral reality, from beyond all time and space, that says, “They are nothing. There is none else but He.” It begins with you. And then it happens in your world: The outer...